Alexander Badlam

Born: 1825, New Hampshire
Baptized: Sometime before 1844
Married: No.
Occupation: ?
Church Experience: ?
Other: ?
Age: 22
Assignment: Called to New York at the 9 Apr. 1844 special conference of elders at Nauvoo.
Electioneering Experience: Electioneered with James W. Phippin. They left Nauvoo 18 April 1844. They preached and electioneered through Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, and New York. On 18 June 1844 he, Franklin D. Richards, and Hiram Stratton gave impactful political speeches in Cambria, New York.
Location 27 Jun. 1844: Somewhere in northwest New York state.
1 Jan 1846: Somewhere in New York.
1850: Mackinac Island, Michigan as a carpenter
1860: Leroy, Minnesota as a farmer with $1,000 in real estate and $100 in personal wealth Well above and average respectively compared to his neighbors.
1870: Leroy, Minnesota as a farmer with $3,000 in real estate and $1,000 in personal wealth both well above compared to his neighbors.
1880: Liberty, Kansas as a farmer.
Family: Married in New York circa 1845 (20 yrs old) to Elizabeth Bowen (23 yrs old). They had five children. Died sometime between 1881 and 1890.
Synopsis: Did not return to Nauvoo after Joseph's assassination. Married in New York circa 1845. By 1847 he had joined the Strangites and moved to Voree, Wisconsin and then to Beaver Island, Michigan. He was a witness to the brass plates Strang claimed to translate. He and a few other Strangite missionaries went to Winter Quarters in 1851 and netted forty-three converts from Brigham Young's flock. However, in 1854 he discovered that the plates were a hoax and lost faith in Strang. He fled with his family to Minnesota. He later moved to Kansas.