John Orson Angus

Born: 27 Nov. 1812 Glasgow, Scotland
Baptized: Oct. 1840 in Glasgow, Scotland
Married: Unmarried
Occupation: ?
Church Experience: ?
Other: Emigrated to Nauvoo with his aged father in 1842.
Age: 31
Assignment: Called and assigned at the 9 April 1844 special conference of elders to electioneer in Kentucky.
Electioneering Experience: His obituary in 1880 proudly declared, "He was sent on a mission to canvas Kentucky for the Prophet Joseph Smith's candidacy for the Presidency of the United States in 1844."
Location 27 Jun. 1844: Somewhere in Kentucky
1 Jan 1846: Nauvoo. Endowed in the Nauvoo Temple as a seventy 6 Feb 1844.
1850: In Scotland on a mission.
1860: ?
1870: A farmer in St. George, Utah. Has $500 real estate and $500 personal wealth, both average to his neighbors.
1880: A farmer with rheumatoid arthritis in St. George, Utah.
Family: Died 21 Sep 1880. He married Elizabeth Patrick in Scotland in 1853. His genealogy is confused, but he may have married plurally. Number of children is unknown.
Synopsis: Emigrated to Utah in 1847. Served a mission to Scotland from 1850-1854, returning with a wife and leading a company of immigrants. He was called to the Dixie Mission in 1861 and was placed on the St. George High Council in 1864. He was the doorkeeper of the St. George Temple from its completion until his death.